Avery Cardoza biography

Avery Cardoza

Avery Cardoza, a native of Brooklyn, New York, was born in 1957 and pursued his education at Vassar College. It was here that he discovered his exceptional talent in mathematics. At a young age, Avery started engaging in blackjack through card counting strategies, despite not being of legal age. However, he was quickly discovered and subsequently barred from casinos. Thus, at the tender age of 23, he penned his debut book on gambling titled “Winning Casino Blackjack for the Non-Counter”.

Avery Cardoza has always viewed gambling as his profession, rather than as a pastime, and he never engaged in any other work besides blackjack and poker. He quickly establishes himself as a knowledgeable casino expert, formulating his own gambling strategies and analyzing other casino games such as baccarat, poker, and craps. As a true professional, Cardoza has authored numerous books on these games, which have been well-received by critics who consider them valuable resources for the average player.

In 1981, Cardoza founded Cardoza Publishing, which is now seen as a leading voice in the gambling sphere, representing experts and authors in the field. This publishing house is recognized as the largest seller of gambling books, having sold over 9 million copies to date!

Also at the helm of Cardoza Games, he maintains offices in both Moscow and London, owns real estate in New York and Las Vegas and relishes in exploring various exotic nations to immerse himself in the local gambling scene and comprehend the diverse emotional facets and psychology of triumphing there.

Avery Cardoza, a leading global expert on gambling and a best-selling author of over 21 books and sophisticated strategies, established Cardoza Publishing (a publisher of more than 200 gaming-related titles). His practical, no-nonsense advice has taught millions of players how to gamble and win.

I used to be a professional card counter. It was the year 1980, and casinos were not yet wise to the tactics of professional 21 players. I was enjoying more than my fair share of successful evenings at the tables. My most memorable night was nothing less than extraordinary.

In 2010, Cardoza broadened his sphere of influence in the gambling industry by acquiring the Gambler’s Book Club, providing a lifeline to a renowned gambling entity. He talks about his newest publication, Lost in Las Vegas, a novel that has been 15 years in the making.

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