Backgammon for winners


Bill Robertie

A notable work by the world’s top-notch backgammon player, illustrating beginners the art of playing and succeeding at this incredible game.

Know someone who’s keen to learn backgammon? Or perhaps you want to revisit the fundamentals? Triumphing at Backgammon provides an ideal initiation to this captivating game. Bill Robertie, a two-time World Champion, guides you through board setup, piece movement, obstructing your adversary, and eventually removing all your checkers for a victorious game.

This book will guide you through understanding the advantageous and disadvantageous opening rolls and the ideal ways to utilize them. The key feature of the book is the inclusion of three representative games, illustrating the techniques to secure victory using three distinct strategies: the blitz, the race, and the much-feared back game. “Backgammon for Winners” is penned in an engaging, straightforward style, making it an excellent initial resource for those keen on mastering backgammon correctly.

This timeless piece (with over 100,000 copies in circulation) presents tactics, instances, and graphic representations to shed light on the crucial aspects of backgammon. It empowers novice players with the knowledge to not only comprehend the game but also outperform their adversaries and swiftly rise to an intermediate level.

An expert in backgammon and a two-time champion offers straightforward guidance on mastering the fundamentals of backgammon to emerge victorious. Ten concise chapters demonstrate the essentials of setting up the board, moving pieces, initiating strategies and counter-strategies, tactics for mid and end game, basic probability, as well as back game and doubling tactics.

Two illustrative games are provided, complete with step-by-step analyses, to help players grasp the winning principles at all phases of the game. This is an excellent introductory book for novices and moderately experienced players.

From his early days of playing chess, Bill Robertie couldn’t have predicted that his unwavering dedication to the game would eventually result in remarkable global successes in not just one, but three games – chess, backgammon, and poker.

In his youth, Robertie was a chess player for Arlington High School, where he crossed paths with Dan Harrington, a fellow player from the Metropolitan league who attended Christopher Columbus High School. For three consecutive years, Robertie served as the team captain of his chess team at Harvard College. He achieved victory in the U.S. Speed Chess Championship and shared the top spot in the Golden Knights, the U.S. postal chess championship.

Robertie also showcased his skills by playing simultaneous blindfold chess on eight boards. A fervent fan of the game for his entire life, Bill Robertie has contributed significantly to the chess literature (Master Checkmate Strategy; Easy Endgame Strategies) and boasts a comprehensive collection of the “Chess Life” series dating back to 1932, with the exception of the 1991 and 1992 editions, which he is currently on a quest to find.

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