Big book of chess


Eric Schiller

This book guides readers through the essentials of chess while also diving deep into the game’s rich history – from renowned world champions and celebrated matches, to fascinating chess trivia and well-known personalities who enjoy the game. It breaks down complex openings, including a few cunning ones, in an accessible way before guiding the reader on how to launch an assault, manage the middle game, and bring it to a successful conclusion.

It demonstrates ten distinct strategies with numerous examples, along with the fundamental fifteen checkmates that every player should master. The Comprehensive Guide to Chess is made enjoyable to read with its simple format, large font, numerous sidebars, and lucid explanations!

The Big Book of Chess Tactics serves as a comprehensive guide to chess tactics. The first primary section focuses on combinations that result in significant material gains. The following section teaches how to rescue your game in challenging situations, i.e., how to steer the game towards a draw rather than a loss, and it includes a variety of mating combinations organized into a logical system.

This system’s concept has been integrated into the chess teaching curriculum in elementary and high schools with the goal of enhancing and refining the students’ abilities, a practice that has been in place for around 15 years. The methodology and system outlined in this book can be leveraged by beginners to help them reach the club player level and potentially progress to becoming professional chess players if they wish. GM Peter Leko and GM Csaba Balogh are two notable chess players who have benefited from studying this book, which has contributed to their rise to the top.

This guide provides an extensive introduction to the world of chess, covering everything from the basic rules to complex strategies. It will teach you how to launch an attack, establish a defence, lay cunning traps, secure material advantage, and deliver a checkmate to your adversary. Schiller guides you on how to strategize your moves ahead of time, predict your opponent’s tactics, and maximize the potential of your chess pieces.

Various approaches to initiating each game are thoroughly explored, and you’ll gain insight on what steps to take once you have the upper hand. As you approach the endgame, Schiller explains various methods to secure victory. Towards the conclusion of the guide, more advanced tactics are introduced to set you on the path towards chess expertise. The guide is designed to be user-friendly, featuring large text, sidebars, and lucid explanations. 

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