Complete defense to queen pawn openings


Eric Schiller

“Full Protection Against Queen Pawn Openings” provides comprehensive strategies for Black’s opening systems against virtually all chess openings. This robust defensive approach will equip chess players with the necessary tools to steer the course of Closed Games to their advantage.

This dynamic counteroffensive repertoire against virtually all openings except for 1.e4 (including most flank games), is built on the thrilling and potent Tarrasch Defense, which contributed to the championship victories of Kasparov and Spassky. Black is taught the Classical Tarrasch, Symmetrical Tarrasch, Asymmetrical Tarrasch, Marshall and Tarrasch gambits, and Tarrasch without Nc3, to attain early balance or even a distinct advantage in the initial moves. This is a crucial opening book for assertive players seeking a competitive edge.


  • Key strategies used by grandmasters, tactics observed in amateur games, and the writer’s previously undisclosed strategies
  • over 350 diagrams illustrating crucial positions
  • meticulously explained tactics and strategies for both Black and White
  • the strategic objective of each piece and significant opening structures
  • a step-by-step analysis of complete games and crucial lines from opening positions to checkmate!

Eric Schiller, who has written more than 80 books on chess and is recognized as a leading authority on chess openings, is widely regarded as one of the top chess analysts, authors, and educators. He holds the titles of National and Life Master, is an International Arbiter of FIDE, and serves as the official coach for many of America’s elite young players.

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